Friday, July 26, 2013

blackberries in september, cherries in june

First things first, I apologize for this long absence

After a dramatic end of school year, I could escape for two weeks in the center of France, in the valley of the Loire river.
We enjoyed discovering pretty cities embellished with wonderful roses, and finding cherry trees along our walks through the fields.
I still have plenty of things to show you from this lovely travel, but am now packing up for a week in Brittany, so I'm begging you to be patient for some more days.
I promise I won't be long this time.

And for those of you who are on Twitter, you can now follow me here : @highly_beloved

day 1_ view from the tent at the camp site, strolling in the fields, vines and pretty streets 

day 2_ enjoying a Lebanese lunch

days 7+8_ lovely wanders in the streets covered with flowers